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so sad it’s abandoned 

(4 edits) (+3)

Chapter 3 was out last year and the patreon update was from 3 months ago. No release date for the 4th chapter, no weekly updates of the progress(or anything), so I'm assuming that it's abandoned. Shame, explicit games for women from women are lacking.

the game is bugging like craaazy couldnt even play 3min 


To everybody wondering: the developer is working on chapter 4 and their last post on patreon is quite recent (March 22). So it seems the game is indeed alive, players might just need to try to be patient (new content will come eventually :)

Is this game dead


Everything okay on the dev end?

(1 edit) (+3)

When's the next update going being released? Also is the pace of the game release going to be this slow? 6 months apart? Just want to know if I should invest or not lol

Why can't I select the Spanish version?

i love this game smmm

(1 edit) (+1)

Downloaded the demo and then bought the complete game a few hours later but the game is stuck at the beginning of the third day. Do I have to remove the app and start over from zero, or is there a workaround ? I am reluctant to lose my saved steps.


Super sexy. Loved it! The scene with Tom was superb. Looking forward to future releases!


Bro I love your art style so much that I'm so made that you didn't  include pregnancy are futa before finishing the game dude of all things in porn games pregnancy is one of the best things that could be included. I don't mind the no futa but pregnancy that was not such good choice from you and your art style would make it even much better to look at. Alice with a big belly but the game is over so there will not be any new update but, I hop in you next game you at least let pregnancy as one of the things "I would love me some futas" but, that's a hard fetch I will stil play this one but, I don't think I will love it that much at least the art is amazing to look at and I love lesbians so that is another thing. And of course I will still support you so don't give up from making porn games your art is heaven in my eyes.

C3 beta is out

is this still being made

Few days ago C3R beta has been released on Patreon.


i miss the old style of the characters :') such a good game tho

Do I get access to all future updates if I buy the game or do I have to pay for each version seperately?

does the demo end right when she mentions the corkboard speaking to the cat? 


Damn.. C2R is as short as a Demo.
Ive been following this game since beginning and it starts to feel as a joke.
Or atleast the way its getting distributed. he is making almost 2000 dollar a month...

are you still updating this gam

Patreon has updates. C3 seems to be almost out by now.

how the fk do I get out of the room sorry for the cussing but I'm so stressed 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨

There is a box on the cabinet on top of the bed

are the scenes animated or stills in this VN?


What happened to the original art style of the game LC is the only game that surpasses all other games with same genre I played.. and here I think that LC will revolutionize future games that will be released in terms of art style.. 

The artist had a change of heart and decided that an erotic game is a no go. Redlolly had to hire a new artist.


What happened to the original version? I kind of liked it more

The artist had a change of heart and decided that an erotic game is a no go. Redlolly had to hire a new artist.

(2 edits)

will you be able to change the main character I would a 100% play it 

Please Hindi Language fonts 🙏😥


not worth buying atleast until more is added to the game not worth the 3.50 price tag to get 5 minutes of play time

(4 edits) (+5)

I myself play female protagonists exclusively :) I wish that all VN creators would  mention the gender of their protagonists on their store pages.

I noticed that there is no demo version on this page, and no examples of the artwork within the game? Is there none, or did I overlook it?


It actually had images of the artwork and a demo before the official release the game. It's a shame there aren't both anymore :(

They had art before, but had to change the artist so it looks like they've removed all the former art until they have enough to replace it. 

Both issues corrected, thank you! It was all because the change of arte, sorry


will you ever make a female protagonists game in the future? I don’t play female protagonists games.

(2 edits) (+4)(-3)

Omg. I love and really appreciate your work,  guys, but the graphics have become so bad, i wanna cry. I've read that you have decided to make it in a "comic-book style", but I hate it 😭

As a girl, i admired the game itself and especially the stunning, confident in her attractiveness protagonist. The novel is still hot and interesting at the same time, so i will probably play it anyway, but please, if there's a slight chance to create something as beautiful as it was, do it, I'm begging you 🥺❤️

can you make it so i can use american currency? i dont have paypal lol

(2 edits)

is darren a romance option?? also why does he look like a teenager in this version?

Yes, he is!


Tried to load the game on another computer and I get the same errors.    I run many other of these types of games with no issues.   Any help would be appreciated.


Congratulations on finishing the reworked chapter one! Now that that's done, how regularly do you think you'll be releasing new chapters, and how many chapters do you envision the final game to have?


why the choose of characters is so limited and why males cannot be homosexual feminine males ? change from bad ugly social norms toward inclusivity please , is a wish make my wish come true 


that the choice of the Developer, not yours? personally i dont care if what your Demanding is included. there's other games out there that included what your Demanding. the game is enjoyable and already has tons of goals in mind. 


the developer usually makes games which is enjoyable pleasurable by the community not painful to play and watch which painful games comes from suffering of the past , it shows that they suffered alot , my opinion , now i understand why i want decentralsied games so i dont want ugliness as characters but that my real preference , i want and need to play a male character design which is fuckable not painful and gross to watch , that all i am sayng i mean looking from the back is gross no ass no beauty and i have desires too and i am a human i want too beauty cute even feminine and homosexuals even sissy males , i have desires too , now let wait maybe they add 


Dude just look up games in the male protagonist tag instead of complaining about not being able to play a guy in the FEMALE protagonist tag.


Is it actually possible to avoid the line of dialogue with Darren about needing a glossary to understand what he's talking about? According to another comment here it is, but I'm not sure that's actually true. I said I like RPGs and chose every single Smart-increasing dialogue option I could find, yet I apparently still don't know what a mimic is. Either I'm missing something, or that line of dialogue is not actually avoidable. I don't want to go forward in the game until I get the dialogue I actually want to get.

this issue is already corrected, thanks!

love this game cant wait for the updates


This game is great, can't wait for updates.


Well this game is great....was wondering is the great ending is only to be with Sophie?also if the game was longer that should be great brudda...nice job here

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